Monthly Archives: April 2013

ETL503 – Search and Share

Pinterest. I’m sold. The best thing is that the content that is curated is dependent on what you are searching for or choose to follow. After sifting through math and reading in education I decided to search for library displays. Wow. I’m not crafty, not that my school or colleagues would know this cause I like to resourcefully C.A.S.E everything. No point in reinventing the wheel. I’m so impressed by the huge amount of ideas available. Look out school library displays here I come.  Tried scoop it also and found great collections of info on websites and digital tools for the classroom. In particular ’50 education technology tools every teacher should know about’. Had the option of emailing this info to colleagues too.

Scoop It!  Created a digital collection of newspaper articles on animal welfare and circuses as well as circus life for Stage 3.  This will be extremely useful in meeting the curriculum needs of students.


As a TL ALIAs statement ‘Freedom can be protected in a democratic society only if its citizens have unrestricted access to information and ideas’  takes selection, accessioning and weeding to a whole new level giving TL a sense of responsibility in a democratic society.  I have experienced disputed material.  It was a senior fiction book that included mild profanity such as ‘shit’ and referred to ‘wet dreams’.  It was interesting to respond and communicate directly with the Principal, the CRT, the parents and the student.  This created a snowball effect of discussions with all staff at a whole staff meeting and furthermore an article into our school newsletter regarding the possibility of the occasional mild profanity in popular literature.  Was the item removed from the shelf – NO.  Instead the parents were guided/informed/educated as to books categorised per age group from PRC stickers and books categorised into junior and senior fiction. The book was however noted on our system to alert myself or other OASIS users as to the content, noting the age and maturity levels of student wishing to borrow the book, a form of censorship but considering the content revolves around peer pressure and young teenage life it is worth keeping for other students.  I was mortified in relation to the extent of modern day book burnings.  And thoroughly enjoyed the following prezi  on the history of book burnings (Less the error in date re: Adolf Hitler)!  Click on the word ‘link’ on the right.